Meedo Steven 
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Meedo Steven 
Вступил 02.12.2010
О пользователе
ОткудаИордания, Амман
ДР07 МАРта
I love life! Everyday is a new experience! I love to help others and enjoy laughing and watching others have a good time! I am a very honest person who will bust his butt to to achieve goals in life! I am very into nature and will pull over on the side of the road to move a turtle so it doesn't get run over. I like all kinds of weather (except when it is over 80 degrees) I don't like watching people get hurt and I will defend people that can't defend themselves! I don't like people who lie or are high and mighty! People who purposely hurt others are scum and should be put away forever! But for the most part I am a content person who believes that we should all stop and enjoy life when ever we can because we are only here a short time and letting life slip by without enjoying it is a waste! I could go on and on but you get the idea of how I am !

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